Highland Gathering
An annual event usually held on the last Friday in July has all the trimmings of traditional Scottish Highland Games. Revived in 1970 after a break of approximately ten years. Difficulty was experienced in obtaining the cups and gold bar from the bank when they were deposited. Some members of the original committee were reluctant to sign over the trophies for a revival. The original gold bar – Hugh Mackay Piping medal – is in safe keeping and has been replaced with a mounted replica and engraved with the competition winner each year. The local shops and businesses contribute towards the prize money, cups and shields for the competitions.
The gathering always used to be referred to as the Sports and have developed from local people competing to an event when old friends, relatives and natives of Durness return and meet up. Athletes from all over come to participate. In 1914, the Sports can be recollected as being held at Achins in September. Since 1970, the Gathering has been held in the present field, Shore Park, beyond the football pitch.
The 2013 chieftains and officials of the Durness Highland Gathering, a traditional Scottish Highland Games.

1971 George Y Mackie C.B.E. D.S.O. D.F.C
1972 Mr. Addison F. McCoubrey M.B. Ch.B O.P.H
1973 Colonel A.M.Gilmour OBE M.C
1974 Mr. Angus MacPherson of Achany M.B.E.
1975 F.G. Armstrong Chief Ex. Highland Regional Council
1976 Mr. Charles Mackay
1977 Mr. Christie Campbell
1978 Julia Mackenzie Strathpeffer
1979 Mr. Gordon Burr Tongue
1980 Mr. Norman McAskill Lochinver
1981 Dr Sandeman, Durness
1982 Mr. John Mackay
1984 Mr. Joseph Mackay Melness
1985 Mrs. Dottie J Mackay, Parkhill Hotel Durness
1986 Mr. L Montgomery Moiraville Durness
1987 Mrs. Madge Campbell Atlantic View Durness
1988 Mr. Charlie Simpson Wick
1989 Mr Fraser Wilson Dornoch
1990 Mr. Charlie O’Brien Strathnaver
1991 Mr. Colin Campbell Fochabers Moray
1992 Mr. Iain Anderson
1993 Mr. Don Morrison
1994 Mrs. Lelia Mackenzie Achriesgill
1995 Mr. W H Morrison, Durness
1996 Dr Winifred M Ewing
1997 Mr. Ken MacRae Durness
1998 Dr George Sanderson Durness
1999 Mr. A Robertson, Durness
2000 Mr. Iain Keith
2001 Mrs. Janette Mackay Strathy West
2002 The Rt.Hon Lord Maclennan of Rogart
2003 John Ridgway Ardmore
2004 Jim McCall MBE Beechgrove Garden
2005 Ally Bain and Phil Cunningham
2006 Michael Mather Durness
2007 Willie Morrison
2008 Catherine Jackson
2009 Lachlan Ross
2010 Mrs. Iris Mackay
2011 Angus Ballie
2012 Ronnie Lansley
2013 Jill and Graham Bruce
2014 Kenny Macrae
2015 Anne & John Mackenzie
2016 Margaret Macrae
1. ROBERT MORRISON MEMORIAL TROPHY for Jnr. Piping under 15 years –
2. ROBERT MORRISON MEMORIAL TROPHY for Jnr Piping 15 yrs – under 18 years
3. J.& J MATHER MEMORIAL SHIELD for Junior Piping (confined to north west Sutherland)
4. HUGH MACKAY CUP Jnr. Piping (Confined to County of Sutherland)
5. LEWIS CUP for Professional Pipers
7. BANK OF SCOTLAND TROPHY for most promising piper (Confined to Sutherland)
8. DEWAR TROPHY – Highland Dancing 12 & under
9. SANDEMAN CUP – Highland Dancing 13 – 15 years
10. JULIA MACKENZIE TROPHY For dancers 12 yrs & under confined to Sutherland & Ross-shire
11. CABERFEIDH CUP – Highland Dancing 16 yrs & Over
12. CAPE WRATH HOTEL CUP for Open Track Events
13. RISPOND TROPHY for open heavy events
14. McCOUBREY TROPHY for Heavy events (Confined to Sutherland)
15. KEEP-FIT TROPHY – Best Snr. Male Athlete from Durness Parish
16. KEEP-FIT TROPHY – Best Senior Female Athlete from Durness Parish
17. MARJORIE CAMPBELL SHIELD – Track, Field & Fun Events Boys & Girls 16 – 18 yrs Open
18. FERGUSSON CUP Boys 16 – 18 Confined to Sutherland
19.KINLOCH SHIELD – Track, Field & Fun events, Girls 12 – 16yrs (Confined to Sutherland)
20. BURTON CUP, boys 12 – 16 yrs (confined to Sutherland)
21. ANN, DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER CUP for girls under 12 from Durness Parish
22. MONTOMERY CUP for boys under 12 from Parish of Durness
23. HAIG TANKARD – Hill Race
24. RIDGWAY TROPHY – Hill Race 35 yrs & Over
25. RIDGWAY TROPHY – HILL RACE 65 YRS & OVER (New trophy presented 2003)
27. DURNESS YOUTH CLUB TROPHY, Hill Race Boys under 18
28. DURNESS YOUTH CLUB TROPHY, Hill Race Girls under 16
29. KEEP FIT TROPHY – hill race (confined to Durness)
30. BARR CUP Overall Champion from Parish of Durness
31. CARRIE CUP for Snr Champion in Open Athletics
33. QUEEN’S GOLDEN JUBILEE TROPHY Overall winner, Under 8 confined to Durness Primary School